Our Alumni

Recovery Unplugged is more than just a behavioral health initiative. It’s a thriving community of like-minded individuals who believe in hope, music and having each other’s backs.

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Your Story Matters


Alumni Spotlight

Ashley Armstrong

The community I jumped into are now like family to me

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Eric Wolf

My story and using was the same as all of us addicts

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Jessie Fortune

When I deal with the struggles that come with getting clean I lean on the community at Recovery Unplugged

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Kyle S.

Clean since June 2, 2021

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Nick C

Recovery Unplugged was the first treatment program that showed me that a sober lifestyle could be fun and fulfilling

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Ritchie Wall

Today, it's hard to believe how much has changed and how much peace I have found

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Sarah Krasner

I know as long as I don’t pick up my life will be beyond my wildest dreams!

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Sarah S

They saved my life that day and they loved me back to life

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