Recovery Unplugged has been a trusted and reputable licensed Vivitrol® provider for years, and we have seen the medication help numerous clients successfully manage their opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms in their everyday lives. A Vivitrol shot is a slow-acting form of naltrexone administered once a month via intramuscular injection by an addiction specialist, or in a controlled medical setting such as a treatment center by a licensed medical professional.
Vivitrol treatment prevents the risk of relapse for patients being treated for opioid addiction after the patient has completed detoxification. Its infrequent administration and incredibly low potential for diversion makes it a comparatively safer alternative to other anti-opioid medications such as Suboxone or methadone. Vivitrol detox is not meant to replace traditional treatment, but should be administered as part of a larger overall treatment program. Eligibility for Vivitrol treatment is determined by patients’ physicians and addiction treatment professionals.