The Editorial Process at Recovery Unplugged


We take the integrity and excellence of our online content very seriously.

With the sheer volume of content online, something can sound trustworthy but is actually mined from opaque and unverified sources. Our mission to produce trustworthy medical content to enhance treatment outcomes has never seemed more urgent. After all, data can be manipulated and mislead well-meaning people.

To earn your trust for responsible healthcare decisions, we have created a comprehensive editorial process. We know there’s a lot of flimsy information out there, so we built a rock-solid process integrating pragmatism and principles to make sure you get only the best content we have to offer.

We take our music-focused treatment for addiction very seriously, so we are going to hold our content to the same precision standards. Recovery Unplugged’s editorial process involves:

  • Our Editing Safeguards
  • Our Ideals

Our Editing Safeguards

  • Industry Relevance

    By limiting our scope, we only publish content that pertains to our fields of expertise. Our fields of expertise include mental health/wellness, addiction treatment, and musicology. As such, you’ll find everything from in-depth articles on innovative kinds of addiction treatments
to helpful addiction care locators to
    analyses of music in the context of addiction.

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    Credible Authors

    Our authors are assessed, screened, and vetted for quality. We promise to ensure only factual, objective information is provided, which includes authoritative citations from peer-reviewed journals, government agencies, or respected medical studies.

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    Medically Screened and Reviewed

    All our content is written by a credible author, reviewed by an editor, and then screened by a licensed medical doctor. At least three human hands have touched every piece of content before you read it.

    Our medical reviewers are subject-matter experts who take their job as information gatekeepers very seriously. They will engage in an iterative editorial process with the writers to make sure the published content represents the best of treatment, therapy,
and the recovery process.

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    Continual Refreshing

    The world changes. Like everything, medical science changes too. Sometimes, treatment orthodoxies change or breakthrough therapies will be highly efficacious.

    Whatever the case, we’re always going to be combing through our content library to
make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible.

Our Ideals


We promise to be honest. We won’t promote anything that hasn’t been proven to be effective. It may cost us in terms of search volume to wait for the science to catch up, but we prioritize your health over profitable yet untested content.


We promise to hold ourselves to high ethical standards. We will only publish content that is helpful, relevant, engaging, factual, unbiased, and dignifying to our readers.


We promise to make our information to be accessible to the people who need it. That’s why we don’t hide our content behind a paywall. Medical misinformation can result in very poor health outcomes.


We’re committed to sharing only vetted, high-quality content that serves the needs of our clients and families. Here is a top-level view of our detailed creation and review cycle:

  • Content contributors are selected from a core group of subject matter experts.
  • Educational resources are created with attention to detail and clarity.
  • All sources are verified to be from peer-reviewed studies or authoritative agencies.
  • Any medical information is reviewed by medical personnel for accuracy and safety.
  • Past content is regularly reviewed for relevance and updated as needed.

All of our efforts are to ensure you can trust what you read from Recovery Unplugged. Browse our resources with confidence.


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