Serotonin Syndrome: The Dangers of Misdiagnosis
January 23, 2025
The Recovery Unplugged music-focused addiction treatment approach was primarily developed by our co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Paul Pellinger. Paul’s years of experience in the addiction treatment industry combined with his deep love of music, and his belief in its ability to heal, led to the formation of the Recovery Unplugged care philosophy that has helped so many find their way to lasting recovery. As our Chief Strategy Officer, Paul oversees virtually all operations of the Recovery Unplugged organization, assists with many aspects of our marketing efforts, and acts as our most committed and enthusiastic brand ambassador via press interviews, media requests and public-speaking engagements. A Certified Addictions Counselor for over twenty years, Paul has also been a therapist and helped create and design the Mental Health and Drug Courts in Broward County over 25 years ago. He has worked as a court liaison, helping people find their way to treatment in lieu of incarceration. Through his consulting company, Principle Liaison Services, Paul helped assist between 30-40 treatment centers successful obtain licensure and establish their operations. His children, Hunter and Tyler, were his inspiration to develop and create a treatment method that uses the power of music as a catalyst to engage the existing evidence-based models. They continually motivate him to improve as a professional, an organizational leader, and most importantly, as a person. When he isn't helping save lives, Paul is a diehard Yankee fan, loves spending time with his children, and enjoys playing golf.
Recovery Unplugged Editorial Guidelines
There are a million different opinions online, but when it comes to your life, health and wellness only peer reviewed reputable data matters. At Recovery Unplugged, all information published on our website has been rigorously medically reviewed by a doctorate level medical professional, and cross checked to ensure medical accuracy. Your health is our number one priority, which is why the editorial and medical review process we have established at Recovery Unplugged helps our end users trust that the information they read on our site is backed up my peer reviewed science.
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