Liquor Withdrawal

End your liquor withdrawal now. Call Recovery Unplugged today for expert help with your physical and psychological symptoms.

1 (855) 384-5794

Liquor withdrawal symptoms

Current guidelines set forth by the American Heart Association restrict daily liquor in take at three ounces a day for men and 1.5 ounces a day for women. Deviation from these guidelines and subsequent liquor abuse commonly manifests in liquor withdrawal symptoms which range from mild to severe. These can include headaches, sleep disorder, irritability and anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal issues, seizures, convulsions and so much more. Withdrawal symptoms increase in scope and severity the longer a person abuses liquor. Once liquor withdrawal manifests, users should immediately seek professional help so they can manage their symptoms and restore their systems to normal function.

Liquor withdrawal treatment process

We often think of liquor withdrawal as no big deal; as something that can be overcome with a large breakfast or some other kind of made-up remedy. The reality is that this disease is a medical condition that belies serious addiction and should be treated through medically supervised detox. There are various liquor withdrawal management medications out there to assist in long-term recovery after detox. These include Antabuse, naltrexone and many more. Recovery Unplugged is ready to offer you or your loved one the liquor withdrawal treatment you need to get healthy and move on with your life.

symptoms of liquor withdrawal

Each person’s withdrawal symptoms will vary according to the scope and duration of their abuse. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can often include:

  • Headaches
  • Stomach Illness
  • Restlessness and Irritability
  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Tremors and Shaking
  • Sleep Disorder and More

These symptoms are best treated with the help of an experienced and qualified addiction-trained physician who can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and can intervene in the event of a medical emergency. Patients who attempt to detox on their own run the risk of relapse and further withdrawal issues which can be life threatening if left untreated.

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Start Your Treatment 1 (855) 384-5794